Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas

Tyson was not very excited to see Santa this year. We'll try again next year!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Starting over...

I'm starting over...with my blog that is. I tried so hard to be good about blogging when I found out I was pregnant with Tyson, tried being the key word. I've not done a very good job since giving birth of updating everything. I'm going to try and start again, even if it's just for myself.
My son, the ruler of our home, just turned 2. Tyson loves cars, trains, movies, playing outside and walks. His vocabulary is growing by the day. So far we have: choo choo, shoes, no, da (dad), uh oh, oh no, bye, two, three (never one). Everyday I think he learns something new. I wrote in one of my early blogs when Ty was 8 weeks old that he was "quiet like his dad and has a temper like his mom"...this is still very true today!
We are the parents and we make the rules...right??? Not always in our house, but that's true with everyone...right??? Tyson has taken over nights in our house, which is not so good for me. My great sleeper has turned into a not so great sleeper. He wants me to lay with him while he falls asleep and then ends up in our bed a few hours later. I WILL break him of this...right??? Soon...right??? But look at this can you resist!